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Case Brief III

Case Brief III

Q Please complete and submit your Case Brief III based on the instructions, which you can access by clicking on the following link: MAN 6937 Instructions Case III.pdf Important Note: Please follow the formatting instructions and length restrictions for the case brief before submitting it. The case brief is due by 11:59pm (EST) on Sunday, October 11 in Word format and late submissions will not be accepted for grading. MAN 6937 Global Environment of Management (OMBA) Prof. Rottig Case Analysis Instructions – Fall Term 2020 A case brief is a response to a case guide question for each case assigned over the course of the term. A case brief should be one page, typed, single-line spaced with Times New Roman 12-pitch font and 1-inch margin all around. Case briefs are due by 11:59pm (EST) on the Sunday of each week in which a case is assigned. Late submissions will not be accepted and result in a grade of 0 (zero) for the respective case analysis. Please make sure to include your name, case title, course title and date on top of the case brief (place in the header to save space on the page). Case briefs consist of individual work - each student is expected to write his/her own brief. Week Case Questions Week 7 Case: The Rise of Apple and Fall of RIM (chapter 8) Case Question: Categorize and discuss how technological trends and any other pertinent PESTEL forces that are interconnected with technological forces explain the rise of Apple and the fall of RIM, and discuss how you would leverage current technological trends to turn around RIM if you were in charge of the company (i.e. if you were a key RIM executive). Important Note: Case briefs must be submitted as a file attachment in WORD format via Canvas. Do NOT submit your case using a text submission. Text submissions will not be accepted for grading. Make sure to follow the aforementioned formatting instructions and length restrictions for the case analysis before submitting it. Case due by 11:59pm (EST) on Sunday, October 11 in a Word File Attachment via Canvas!

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Technological adaptability during crisis situations like financial crisis of 2008 can be effective for organizations like Apple Inc. This is because the focus of such organizations is to ensure that new updates can be made available to customers of present and future generations. Any minute form of innovation by Apple or any other organization like Apple would have always been effective in a situation of financial crisis. This is because there would not be much money available for other organizations to invest in research and development. However, there would have to be some amount of money invested to provide something new in existing products or completely new products for customers. The situation of Apple had been similar because there could not be much investment made in research and development but innovation had to be done. The opportunity to innovate had been taken up by the three entrepreneurs of Apple Inc. who had had developed a new company as well as a completely new type of computer named Apple computer.